Obama's stirring India speeches
President Obama, Michelle, address to Parliament, India visit
  • 20:34
  • November 07, 2010
The Obamas charm with their fisherfolk dance

The US President and his wife celebrated Diwali by dancing on folk numbers with students of the Holy Name School in Mumbai.

November 08, 2010   36:22
It began with "Dhanyawaad India" and ended with "Jai Hind". Obama's address in Parliament was cheered both inside and outside the House. Experience why.
November 08, 2010   2:51
At a State Dinner at Rashtrapati Bhawan, Obama said he has learnt two things; you don't visit India, you experience it; and that Michelle Obama will always be a better dancer than him.
November 07, 2010   39:50
At St Xavier's College in Mumbai, Obama spent his time answering students who took their cue from Michelle Obama - she urged them to ask her husband very tough questions.
November 08, 2010   6:31
Watch Obama's answer to NDTV's question about whether America is truly looking to control outsourcing to India.
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